0794 004 7409
Barnsley, South Yorkshire, UK
[email protected]

Covid Update :

Our thanks must go out to all the frontline NHS, care and emergency workers during the current health crisis. Their dedication and courage should be an example to us all. We should also not forget all the families that have lost loved ones over recent weeks.

All companies are going through tough times and if we can be of any service to any company in any sector please do not hesitate to contact us.

Many of our services will be free of charge during the current emergency….so please contact us.

Also on the 6 May 2020 we will be running a Free webinar on “Understanding Material Certificates”. We know one of the things some people find difficult is the interpretation of material certificates and understanding whats important and whats not. So we will be running a Free one hour webinar on the 6 May designed to help people to use and understand material certificates.

Like many companies much of our work is now done on line and via video conferencing and we have been pleased to help the AMRC/ University of Sheffield with their Metal-Bytes series of webinars, which have been a great success. We will also be assisting them in presenting a series of online courses starting next month.

For further details on the AMRC courses please contact us or visit their website.

Finally we would like to say Please Stay Safe and Healthy.


Clayton Thomas and Lisa Lloyd

23 April 2020

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